
Looks good.
What are you using for charcoal?

here we buy the bag of charcoal ready to use, it doesn't specify what type of wood it's made from if that's what you're asking... the bag I bought was the one in the photo...

Yep. That is what i was asking.
So it is a type of wood?

yes. what kind I have no actually I've never thought much about it when we think of barbecue here in Rio de Janeiro - Brazil we always think of this type of charcoal without thinking much about what it's made of...

Eita coisa boa! Um churrasquinho sempre cai bem!

tava com as carnes no freezer desde o churrasco de ano novo que fiz com meus primos... juntei eu Tamara e meu sogro pra matar tudo :)

Aí sim boa mano, não pode desperdiçar kkk, final de semana + churrasco = tudo de bom 😍

e sobrou coisa de

Wooow. Parece que vão ter uma óptima noite!

Está ótima mesmo! Mas não aguentamos mais

Acho que estou outra vez com fome. 🤣