Please welcome this freshly hatched raptor aka Setting up a LeoFinance curation account

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Lil Hyper.png

Li'l me on

out of the egg.png

Freshly hatched, 0 days old. I prefer to speak of day 1 though.

Screenshot from

Lately I have been growing more and more frustrated ( not really, but it sounds good ) over the fact that my Voting Power is running out so fast. In all honesty, everything under 80% feels too low to me. I felt like I could upvote way less posts and comments ( I like to upvote comments ) than I like to and that didn't sit well with me.

I had tried a bunch of times, recently, to make myself an alt account on Leofinance ( the community where I hang out the most these past months ) and possibly - I don't remember - via Peakd.

I've seen quite a few people doing this, in order to be able to give upvotes on Leo, without draining the Voting Power of their main Hive account.

I thought my LEO alt accounts were created, but their keys didn't seem to work and I gave up forgot about it, after a while.

That is, up till today.

Today I gave the account creation another try, via the Leo wallet and (wo)man it was an easy, quick and smooth process.

I merely went to my Leo wallet, clicked on claim account and then on create account, right next to it. I then typed in the name of my alt account ( littlehyper.leo ), made up a temp password, downloaded my keys and C'est ça. Here I am.

I was a little confused though about delegation. I tried to delegate Leo Power from my main account to my Leo curation account, but it didn't seem to go through ( even though I received no error ). I then figured that it had to do with my current power down. I lowered the number of delegation power a little ( to make sure it was lower than my remaining LP, excluding the power down ) and it worked.

As per usual, people in ( the Leofinance ) discord chat were helpful. Cheers @FknMayhem , @tonimontana , @ubg and @bozz and helped me to get rid of my temporary state of confusion.

For now the 5k LP delegation will have to make do. I will probably up it to the max ( after my Power Down has finished ).

This write up was mainly made to let you all know that littlehyper.leo - who will be upvoting your Leo posts and comments as well as leaving some sweet comments himself, is yours truly: @vincentnijman

It might also be the little kick behind the butt that you needed to make your own alt/ curation account.

Also, if you decide to do so, make sure to delegate some Hive Power to your alt account too. I realized that littlehyper.leo was running very low on resource credits, after a couple of transactions ( votes and follows ). A mere 22 HP delegation made up for this and gave me the following screen that looks a lot nicer to the eyes than drained bars in brown or reddish colors:


screenshot taken from

I am looking forward to interacting with you on Leofinance.
Have a good one!

Was signed,

Hypersensitivosaurus aka Li'l Hyper aka Little Hyper, aka SuperZENsitivosaurus

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I have some LP delegated to my wife's account that I use for curation. I also started using the vote percentage settings in and that has helped me manage my VP much better. I can give a 2% upvote that doesn't move my Hive too much but it equals an 8% upvote over on LEO. This makes things much more manageable for me.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Interesting. I don't see that setting in LEODEX though. Where exactly do I find it? Even though I remember it from Hive Engine. Started using it there for some tokens quite a while ago.

I guess you're talking about auto curation/ curation trails though here?

I actually prefer to vote manually and decide how much I find a post or comment worth it. Especially on Hive, I prefer to either not vote at all or make sure the vote makes it over the dust threshold and reaches the person that wrote the blog / comment.

P.S. Have you ever heard of @dustsweeper? If not, you might find it an interesting service to use. It's the way to make small votes count.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Really interesting. I haven't tried. I had an old account laying around @tulwave, and that is where I do my curating and leo powering up.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I have another one too ( @vincinema ) but I mainly use that one for movie posts. Recently blew some new life into it, after not blogging about films for ages. I felt I needed one just for LeoFinance.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Congratulations @littlehyper.leo! You have completed the following achievement on the Hive blockchain and have been rewarded with new badge(s) :

You made more than 10 comments. Your next target is to reach 50 comments.

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It will be tough to remember your name so I just followed both of your accounts :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thank you. A wise move :>)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta