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RE: Bitcoin as a savings account.

in LeoFinance3 years ago

I love these personal stories.

You're an amazing uncle and brother!

This reminds me of my twin sister. She has had a tough life for about a decade, with an addicted partner and two young kids ( my niece and nephew ). My brother in law is clean since a year or three and they're a happy little family now.

I live close to them ( in Portugal ) and love all four of them. I'm like a second father to my now 4 year old niece and 7 year old nephew.

A little over 3 years ago, I opened a crypto wallet and started building a portfolio for my twin sister and her family. Although I didn't add much to it ( most of it is their own investment ), I took care of it and helped them with money when they needed it and it's nice to finally see it grow a lot.

I also gifted my nephew his first satoshis on his bday ( January the 1 st ) and plan to do the same for my niece on her 5th ( March the 10th ). My idea was to hold it for them till they're 18 but let's see how things develop over time. At least they're all aware of it and happy with my help.

Keep up the good work and spreading the abundance. Meanwhile I'll try my best to do the same :<)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Now that's a story. One that had a happy ending too. Taking care of your sister's family and treat it as if it was yours only indicates that your are the perfect brother for her.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thank you, man! I do my best :<)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta