voting behaviour and its relationship with personal relationships on leofinance

in LeoFinance3 years ago

so yeah is an awesome platform with many awesome users who have shared wonderful contents that are useful and have helped so many people,we have seen alot of people who have become good friends via this platform and we have also seen those who got wealthy via information which was posted by some particular users and such people will never forget those users....

now we need to understand that voting behaviour of many users also depends on this personal friendship and engagement,followed by how they perceive the contents which they are upvoting...everyone have the right to upvote contents/user which they want,same way the other users too have the right to upvote the contents based on their own personal decision,no one owes anyone any upvote,you can decided to upvote a particular content or user....its your decision.......

now what do i mean by voting behaviour??i mean an instance when you see that a particular user upvotes some certain users or some certain types of contents more than the others....for example if an individual is a kind of person who loves contents relating to bitcoin ,and he sees a good content talking about bitcoin,do you know that even he or she sees a better content but not related to bitcoin,do you know he or she would probably still prefer upvoting the content relating to bitcoin and ignore the better content which is not related to bitcoin??or probably he or she will upvote both contents but still give a higher voting percentage to the particular content which talked about bitcoin....the truth of the matter is that such voting behaviour is normal,lets not pretend about this.....

another example of the voting behaviour,is MR A happened to learn alot about cryptos via MR B,MR B have made so much impact in the life of MR A,so whenever MR B writes a content on leofinance,MR A is always quick to upvote the content,whether other feels the content is great or not or whether they feel it does not deserve the voting percentage or not...that is where personal relationships come in...can we totally blame MR A??lets be sincere,MR A should not blamed.....that behaviour is normal.....that is we want to be realistic....

those are few of the examples why you see some certain voting behaviours and that should not bother you,i am writing this post when i saw a comment from a particular guy who was condemning a particular user for always using part of his voting power to upvote some certain popular users and he feels that should not be happening....the commenter feels that he should not upvote those popular users because he feels they are rich already or popular already....

so i am using this post to correct that wrong impression or mindset that he has,he needs to understand that personal friendship or engagement also plays a role in the voting behaviour of each user....

so that is why i will advice every user to always post great content and also get more engaged on the platform,if possible make friends too,friends that will add value to your lives and make you to become more not just post content and leave and just expect upvotes to start coming in,also engage,comment on other people posts too,learn to upvote others too,learn to reblog too,increase your engagement activities,when you do all these you will also start getting the attention you desire and you will stop bothering about who other users are upvoting or not......

thanks for reading...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I was going to upvote this post. As I did on number of yours this morning.
But I will not.

I just hate to see the style you write.
Punctuations ! Dots. Commas.
You don't care to use them properly, right ?
3-5, maybe 7 sentences combined in one long nonstop string of words. Without a single dot or comma ?
Ever heard that new paragraph or sentence always starts with a capital letter ???

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta