
Absolutely, I concurr


Yes financial security improves our standard of life a lot. Money protects and secures our lives so much.

Excellent 🤣
Not having money is a disease in itself 😂

Hahahaha. Then many many people are sick in this world.

Yes n, especially in Naija. As I dey like this, my own worse. 😂

Am their chairman na, and I know my vice. Its not you

you are right! The moment sickness discover that you have enough money for treatment, it won't come to you.
What cause blood pressure is the Stress and thinking of how to get money. Once you get money, you won't have bp

You have a point there.

That is right oo. But why don't doctors disclose such information? 😀

So you won't stop coming for check up

Hehehe. Except there is something wrong in my health. Of course, I will keep going. Lol

Doctor is also want to have money...
Doctor won't get patients if he tells all his customers.