The Basic Tools Every Content Creator Should Have.

in LeoFinance4 months ago

There is no gainsaying that with the advent of social media platforms like Twitter now X, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, Facebook, Medium, LinkedIn, which are Web2 platforms and even in Web3 decentralized platforms like Hive, there has been a surge in the number of content creators in recent times.

Logging in to any of these platforms and you see different creators both old and young dolling out varieties of contents to their target audience.

One May Ask Who A Content Creator Is

Basically, a content creator is anyone who creates content, whether it's blog posts, social media posts, videos, infographics, or anything else that is published online.

One can take up content creation as a full-time job, like being a social media manager or a blogger like we see in the social media spaces. It could also be on part time basis like something someone does on the side, just like myself or even as a hobby like photography, video making, drawing etc. It all depends on the individual and what they aim to achieve.

Whether as a professional or upcoming blogger, YouTuber, Instagrammer or TikToker or any other form of content creator, it is of essence to create quality, captivating, interesting and engaging contents, and to achieve this, there are some basic tools needed.

  • Some Basic Tools Which A Content Creator Needs

Creating quality evergreen content can be a daunting task especially when there are so many other creators in the same line with you but with the right basic tools, you can be on the way to the top.

  • A Work Space

First things first and I think having a comfortable work space is of utmost importance because without a work space, it's unlikely that any work will be done. It doesn't necessarily have to be a big place with luxurious chairs, desks and other stuffs, but a place where if you are there you can stay and carry out your work with all ease.

  • A Content Calendar

Most content creators do not have this but I tell you it's very essential as it will serve as a great help in planning, organizing and managing tasks and schedules, including keeping track of project's progress.
You can use a spreadsheet, or other advanced ones like Trello, Asana.

  • Writing And Editing Tool

We all know that the process of content creation starts with idea generation and without putting this idea to pen and paper, it will just be lying in waste.
To help organize these ideas, a content creator needs either a reliable computer, laptop or a good smart phone to put down the ideas.
Notepad is another must have tool for writing down ideas, drafting contents and even to-do list, and that's what I use. After that there's need to edit, check grammar, spellings, plus other editing stuffs, and Grammarly is a great help. I use it too. Another tool that helps improve readability and clarity of writing is the Hemingway editor.
There are other writing and editing tools available online, just get the one that will work best for you.

  • Designing and Visual Tool

Naturally, humans are attracted to captivating images, visuals, videos and so on so a content creator who needs to get the attention of his audience with a visual appealing content should employ the use of Canva.

  • Canva is a tool used to design graphics, edit photos, short video clips etc. You can also source free images or subscribe to get paid images via Canva pro. Besides my original photos, most of the image thumbnails I use for my blogs are created and edited on Canva.
  • Recently I got to know about MidjourneyAI which is also a great design tool. Infact it can create images from texts inputted.
  • Another one is Adobe Creative Cloud which is a more professional design and editing tool.
  • Another great graphic design tools are Photoshop or Illustrator used for creating custom graphics and illustrations.
  • You can also check out Unsplash or Pexels, where you can source quality images to use in your content.
  • A Camera Or Smartphone

A content creator should be able to have either a good quality camera or smartphone for capturing visual images that will be used in creating content. If you can afford both, that's a plus as they would help facilitate your work more. Smartphones I would say is the most important tool to have because of the various purposes it serves. I use my smartphone for all my blogging activities and it serves me very well. With it I capture images, record and edit videos, write and edit contents, create graphic and so on. It's my all-in-one tool.

  • Video and Audio Production Tool

For video content creators, Adobe Premiere Pro and Video Audacity editing softwares can help give a professional touch to your videos.
You will also need a microphone for recording clear audio for videos, voiceovers or podcasts.

  • Internet Connectivity Tool

Creating and publishing content won't be possible without a strong internet connection. Internet connection is needed in almost every step of the content creation process from research, drafting, editing, graphics, video editing to publishing and even monitoring the progress of the content, and engaging with your audience.

  • Keyword Research Tool.

A keyword research tool is very important as it can help a creator find the right keywords to target with your content so it can reach the right audience.
There are some very known SEO tools
like Google's Keyword Planner, Ahrefs, SEMrush.
On Hive there are tags both community and non-community tags, to use in order for your content to get visibility and support.

Other tools to consider having are

  • Scheduling platforms like Hootsuite, Buffer, CoSchedule, to help in advance post scheduling, sharing of contents across multiple platforms.

  • Analytics tools like Google analytics or social media insights provide data on the performance of your content, helping you make informed decisions for future content creation

  • Conclusion

Starting out a journey as a content creator can be overwhelming, even for the influencers and the rest too but carving a niche for yourself, being consistent in creating quality contents will keep you better positioned in the social media and digital space.
Therefore whether as a content creator on Web3 decentralized platforms like Hive or Web 2 platforms like X, Facebook or Medium, having these essential tools will greatly help in making the work a smooth sail to a great extent. So it's important to find out which best suite your creator's niche and use them.

Thank you for reading and do well to drop your comments. I will highly appreciate them.

Still the #threadsaddict 😂

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This is a very good list, but I would also include a content publishing tool. That can be WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, or one of the many other CMSs out there or it could be an HTML website. With sites like Medium, Ghost, Paragraph, and Hive, it could also be a platform, either Web2 or Web3. The Web3 platforms like Hive and Paragraph allow creators to monetize their content when they publish it.

Yes all these are equally needed. I didn't want to go all out and bring in those that's why I said some basic tools.

Thanks for your insightful contribution.

Your images are not showing on the main Hive interface. From what understand, compiling posts on inleo causes it.

Yes, I guess that's the issue because I posted on inleo. I hope it shows up soon. Thank you

A content creator has to work very hard even to bring a single piece of vlog,blog, video or short for you. In that short piece what he/she gives you , there is his/her hardwork and enthusiasm in it and it will be very unjust to not motivating him or ignore his content even if it is good .
This is also what we should soread to our communut.
I strongly agree with all of your keypoints especially of making a calendar as such calendar will keep him engaged

You are right, before any content goes out to the social media a lot of work and resources were put in place and if not for anything, that hard work should be appreciated no matter how little. That's why I love Hive, every content attracts even a little upvote.

I appreciate your stopping by and sharing your thoughts. Thank you.

This is a thorough post on content creation that anyone interested in content creation needs to see. Very detailed 👌
I am a #dreemerforlife from #dreemport

I think it is time I explore the use of mid-journey for my images. These are indeed valuable tools to have as a content creator.



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