If time is not a constant, and history rhymes, has the fat lady started singing...?

in LeoFinance3 years ago

I like patterns.

viking flats  Copy  Copy  Copy  Copy.jpg

Historical patterns especially , and trying to make sense of their mysterious cycles....
Cycles that transcend their specific times in history, their technologies, or their social structures...

It almost seems to me that somehow , IN SOMEWAY, no matter what period, or what specific subjects we look at, somehow , history does indeed, rhyme .

Sometimes it's closer than others, but the correlations do appear to exist.

I haven't come close to even formulating what inputs go into that particular equation, never mind the equation itself .... BUT I AM WORKING ON IT...'time will tell' - of all things.

So, looking at things in that vein, I was looking at some financial data.
Some very recent stuff, and some not quite so recent.

Taking the time length out of things (time isn't linear, or at least it doesn't posses wholly linear qualities) and looking at the patterns without the time reference, have a look at these charts below .

...I've purposefully 'messed around' with them so as to disguise them upon first scrutiny - for reasons that will be come clear nearer underneath.
The chart patterns are untouched.

viking flats  Copy  Copy  Copy  Copy.jpg

I'm sure the more astute of you have realized what it is already.
No, that doesn't mean you're a closet 'chart watcher' trainspotter (although it well might do).

It is , in fact , the chart from the last Steem/crypto bull run, and the recent hike (and drop), of Hive.


History rhymes and time is not linear....

Am I predicting anything here?
Am I saying the crypto 'bull run' has come - and gone - concerning Hive price?

I Am saying that history rhymes, and time is not linear.
Oh, and fat ladies do sing at some point...

*This is not to be taken as financial advice or a prediction of future trends.
There's enough lunatics in the house 'predicting the future', and I have no wish to be committed to that particular asylum.

History however, does continue to keep rhyming...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


There was this king who found out China had 5000 years of history, so not to be outdone, he got some monks to make more european history. And literally they copied the "factual" history back into the past, so now there is two.

So, either you believe that history was messed with, or history really, really rhymes.
