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RE: Going to the moon can also mean getting your wings burnt....what then, Icarus?

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Decentralizing is the aim, I agree!
(woohooo...and with it, the end to this last 100 years of a nightmare of socialism BS)

Q:When do 'the powers that be', give up their power voluntarily?
A: Never.

Q: Who controls all the financial markets (very possibly including btc), and commodities
A: The powers that be , via the increasing wealth transfers from debt (fiat) to tangibles.

Q: If the powers that be see crypto as a threat to their financial hegemony (presuming they don't already control it) , why wouldn't they legislate it out existence, knowing full well that the sheep on the planet are more than happy to bend over and do as they're told?
(based on the last 12 months psi-op, called covid)

A: They would do.

I try to avoid cults , due to having a terminal sanity! lol


The goons in charge are way way way too greedy to pass up this opportunity.
They're already lining up to get a piece of the action.
Bitcoin is as good as co-opted.
There's way more to gain from just letting it happen.
That's the beauty of this new economy.

Saying that crypto won't be a thing because it will disrupt the powers that be is like saying the Internet won't be a thing because it will disrupt the powers that be. That's how this works: some of the powers get disrupted and those that take the top spot make sure that it happens. It's already obvious that the old-guard is going to fleece the peons all over again. Just look at NFT art... lol.

I think your perspective is correct - if you think it's just about the money.

One slight problem (imo) - It has nothing to do with money.
It's about control.
Thus making your perspective incorrect, if my perspective is correct.(based on psychology of the 4%, and history).

Saying that crypto won't be a thing because it will disrupt the powers that be is like saying the Internet won't be a thing because it will disrupt the powers that be.

No it's not.
That's a false equivalency.
Don't do false equivalency.... Baaaad sophist! lol

Disruption of power - when it 'just happens' to fall back into the hands of power - is not disruption, it's controlled restructuring.
The operative word here being controlled.

Offering illusions to the masses - who are incapable of seeing through the illusions - is not a new strategy....
Bread and circuses, anyone? (circa 1st century, AD)

Money and control will always be intrinsically linked.

As an abundance technology, crypto allows for an abundance of control and power.
This has always been a game of greed.
I don't see that changing anytime soon.

Crypto allows for those at the top to inject economic steroids directly into their veins and dominate the competition.
Those who don't use this tool will be left in the Stone Age.

....please define 'abundance technology'
Buzz words without clear definitions are vapid.
(is paper also an 'abundance technology?')

I don't know where to start with a reply to this - I might make a video about it, though!