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RE: Global Financial Crisis: Crypto Not Immune, But...

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Hopefully the WEF, and Klaus 'anal' schwab's NWO plans implode before they have a chance to cause misery. Implode they will, but the sooner the better.

IF that happens, and crypto is not the mark of the beast it could become (ie, returning to a free market philosophy), blockchain and crypto has a bright future.

DPoS will not be part of that future.
DPoS is 'stakeholder capitalism'.(communism/technocracy by the back door).

The buzzword "stakeholder capitalism" isn't new. Klaus Schwab has been pushing it for five decades. But it's hitting the mainstream now and it's the economic side of plans for "The Great Reset." by JD Rucker.

First, the manager focuses attention on procedure and not on substance.
The manager focuses attention on how the decisions are made, not what decisions to make.
That’s because the manager is typically working in a setting where the goals of the organization are neither clear nor perceived as worthwhile. In the place of goals that provide meaning at work and in work, there is a hierarchical structure, precise role definitions, and elaborate rules and procedures, which often conflict: managers have no way of knowing what is the right answer.
The only safe place is to focus on process.