Presidential candidates and cryptocurrency adoption

in LeoFinance5 months ago

In the face of the volatile and convulsive scenario in which the cryptocurrency market finds itself after the approval of the Bitcoin ETF and less than two months before the development of the next Halving that will reduce the issuance of BTC units, political events that favor the market arise.

When I say that there are political events that favor the market, I am specifically referring to the inclination of voters in Mexico that near the next electoral event to choose the president of that Central American country, citizens are opting for presidential candidates who are in favor of cryptocurrencies.

According to information disclosed by Katha Jimenez on the results of a survey conducted last January by the pollster Bitso, "40% of crypto users surveyed support presidential candidates who present a plan to adopt cryptocurrencies, according to a survey conducted by Bitso in January 2024".

Namely, "The results show that the electorate within Mexico is valuing the policies regarding cryptocurrencies", which in my opinion is a good endorsement for the massive adoption of cryptocurrencies in Mexican territory.

In Jimenez's article it was also revealed that, "Through an interview the general director of Bitso in Mexico, explained that with the application of this study they sought to measure the importance of the crypto landscape in the Aztec country, especially in the face of future elections."

One of the things that caught my attention is that, "Adoption is growing at double digits annually, especially in the younger sectors of the country, at the same time the attraction for digital assets is also growing."


Cointelegraph. Mexico: crypto users prefer candidates that support cryptocurrencies. Link


The cover image does not belong to the author: @lupafilotaxia, the image was taken from: Decrypt

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