in LeoFinance3 years ago

Author: @madridbg, through Power Point 2010, using public domain images. Gerd Altmann

Greetings and welcome dear readers who are passionate about the world of digital markets, in previous posts we have been talking about the potentialities behind the decentralized trading exchange provided by Robinia Swap.

In this sense, through the following publication we will make mention of how we can harvest the tokens generated and save them in our metamask wallet, for this we must remember that we have invested a total of $ 40 in the farm RBS-BUSD LP, which in our entry was yielding an approximate APR of 752%, however, to date that APR has decreased and is in values close to 275.71%.

Based on the above, and only 16 days into the investment, let's evaluate the profitability of the investment in terms of the tokens we have been able to farm.

Screenshot of the Robinia platform. Author @madridbg

As we can see in the image above, in the time of the investment we have managed to collect 42,788 RBS which at the current price of around $0.21 translates into $8.9 as a return on the small investment we have made, so it is a passive income where the money works for us thanks to the Robinia Swap project.

Therefore, it would be enough to go to the harvest section, the page will make us the call to our metamask wallet, where we must approve the contract in order to proceed with our request.

Screenshot of the Robinia platform. Author @madridbg

Screenshot of the Robinia platform. Author @madridbg

Screenshot of the Robinia platform. Author @madridbg

As you will see the process is quite simple, and in the following image we can observe in our wallet what has been collected. Therefore, I invite you to visit the project and evaluate its potential and the different RPAs that we can take advantage of using this platform, where we can generate passive income according to the capital we are willing to invest.


The cover image was designed by @madridbg, using public domain images.