in LeoFinance2 years ago

Author: @madridbg, via Power Point 2010, using public domain images. Valentina Gil

Greetings dear readers of this prestigious platform, serve this installment as an analysis mechanism that allows to publicize the progress of cryptocurrencies as emerging economies that facilitates purchasing power in countries submerged in inflation and with traditional economies in decline.

In this sense, we will make direct mention of the Venezuelan economy, one of the countries with multiple wealth, however, it is currently submerged in inflationary processes never seen before, being considered the most high in the region, to which is added a constant deterioration in public service issues, the most notable being deficiencies in energy and telecommunications, where there are constant failures in the electrical service and in the stability of the Internet.

However, beyond the difficulties that we present as a society, we Venezuelans have managed, after the hegemony of the current pandemic, to find an alternative door to obtain and bring sustenance to our homes and Blockchain protocols represent that escape door for many Venezuelans, where platforms such as #Hive, #Steemit, cryptocurrency trading, as well as NFT games represent a lifestyle and livelihood for many.

Based on the above, without a doubt, Venezuela presents a praise based on multicurrency since the decline of the Bolívar fuerte has forced the use of currencies such as the Dollar, Euro, Colombian pesos, cryptoactives, among others that allow commercial exchanges avoiding the use of the Bolívar. that every day is devalued even more.

Image extracted from: EFE, El Nacional

And it has been this devaluation, which has generated a growing use of cryptocurrencies, knowing that by 2020 annual trade figures were already established with an equivalent of 303 million dollars, according to LocalBitcoin data. , being the first country in the region to massively adopt digital assets.

Based on the foregoing, we can observe in the Venezuelan capital how businesses already accept a commercial exchange in crypto assets, so that we can exchange our digital currencies for any input or garment that we need to acquire, a process that, although not legally established, is already considered as normal within country.

Consequently, we are facing a reality that personally becomes more attractive and dynamic, hence the importance of assuming the use of digital markets associated with cryptocurrencies as a legal exchange system, since we can demonstrate with substantial evidence the positive influence that it can generate in the praise of a country.


1. The design of the portal was made by @madridbg, using public domain images