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RE: WEB3: Magic Internet Money (MIM)

in LeoFinance2 years ago

Magic Internet Money is great if you know how to get it. There's Magic Internet Money, and then there's

Magic Internet Money (MIM) logo Magic Internet Money (MIM)-- which may not necessarily be what you're discussing here.

Once people understand Magic Internet Money, they'll try to figure out ways to use it to solve not just use cases but major problems which up to know have been left for institutions and governments. New institutions will need to be created to use Magic Internet Money as envisioned. The could be DAOs, or they could be flesh-and-blood organizations.

Maybe Magic Internet Money is older than any of us suspect. After all, if Nikola Tesla was decades ahead of his time in how to use Earth itself as an antenna for wireless communications, then maybe Magic Internet Money had an existence we don't know about (or was too magical for us to grasp then).

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