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RE: Daily Crypto Markets Live Blog: Happy Bitcoin Legal Tender Day (09/07/21)

in LeoFinance3 years ago

If we go by State of the Dapps, Hive has 1% to 5% of the dApp count of Ethereum. It doesn't mean much beyond being a point of reference. What matters is that Hive has the kinds of dApps people want. What also matters is how easy it is for developers to create dApps for Hive from conception to official release; Hive has to make it worthwhile for developers to choose it over Ethereum or Cardano or Polkadot.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


No. of DApps on Ethereum might be more but as you said Hive has more quality work and we provide a better user experience simply because of 3s feeless transactions.

I am 100% sure that bootstrapping cost is much less as compared to Ethereum. DPoS is so damn cost-effective and efficient.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta