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RE: Soon You'll Be Wiping Your a$$ With US Dollars!

in LeoFinance3 years ago

I don't know if this is a layer or not, but there is also this effect:

  • Unequal value of the extra units of currency issued.

The first people to receive the extra units of currency-- most likely The Banks and their favored partners-- can take advantage of yesterday's prices today. That's because it takes time for that money to become part of "the economy" we keep hearing about.

Once that extra money is integrated in "the economy," all other prices are affected. Same amount of goods, only now more money is out there: that's the textbook definition of inflation. Too much money chasing too few goods.

By the time those extra units of currency reach us, we're stuck having to pay higher prices and possibly higher fees.

Once again we discover the truth of of the adage, "it's expensive being poor."

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