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RE: Daily Crypto Markets Live Blog: Happy Bitcoin Legal Tender Day (09/07/21)

in LeoFinance3 years ago

El Salvador can still trade with other nations. It's not under any sort of sanctions regime. I just doesn't need the World Bank. For many nations, the World Bank and IMF (and the rest of the nation-state-level banking system) is a scam; just ask people in Cyprus, Greece, and Italy.

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The problem is that the World Bank and IMF tends to be cushy buddies with a bunch of countries and could definitely affect the economy and what happens going forward.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

In theory, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and other global financial institutions formed by partserships of nation-states after World War II were supposed to help newer nations and developing nations improve their economies to get out of poverty and become relatively wealthy. While the World Bank and IMF did that, it came at a cost for client nation-states. This cost has hindered their potential to become much better off economically than they are now.

Essentially the major banks running the World Bank and IMF benefit while their "customers" struggle to pay down debts. World Bank and IMF do to nation-states what banks do to people, and you can see how that turned out for us.

Maybe there needs to be a cryptocurrency (not CBDC) geared for nation-states as a counter to World Bank and IMF. The problem with this concept is keeping this nation-state crypto decentralized.

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