
Steem was waaaay up the charts I think we were ranked third by market cap. No one could argue that the peg wasn't a good idea. Of course we didn't really advertise it enough. Anyway the Korean market started booming and all of a sudden SBD was $14 bucks or so. People got greedy and let the peg go. They said "it's value is whatever people want it to be." Sure, that's true but if I converted it, it was only worth a bucks if steem. It was essentially a debt note. Steem itself didn’t move up with it.

It was a horrible move. I'm so glad everyone is for the peg now. It's a great low(ish) risk of a money maker. Get in on the savings.

I wasn't around for that so it's interesting to know this piece of Hive's history.

And yea, I'm glad that people are trying to keep the peg now

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks for explaining the background behind the earlier situation. It looks as if Hive learned that lesson.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah man, Hive has a much better philosophy behind it. The only thing I see drawing huge improvements to the blockchain is a push for more development of apps.