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RE: Daily Crypto Markets Live Blog: Utah To Form Task Force To Investigate Blockchain And Crypto (05/09/22)

in LeoFinance2 years ago (edited)

Top Line Comment Banner for LeoFinance at

Has anyone else here reblogged just a comment from a post? Has anyone tried to reblog just a comment from a post using LeoFinance. The LeoFinance front-end won't allow it, but there's "one weird trick" which will let you reblog only a comment. I wanted to share it here first before I published a short post explaining how I did it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Huuuuuu! Looking at this space to see it. Truly, some comments needs to be pinned for future check.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

As long as you use the LeoFinance front-end, you won't see what you need to reblog a comment. I tried it the other day just out of curiosity. The reblog widget is missing.

Switch to the general front end of your choice, then the comment will show the reblog widget. Reblog the comment, and it appears in your blog feed. Maybe not using LeoFinance, but the blog feed as shown by the general front end.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Heh, never done that

I didn't even know it was possible

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

We never had a need for it. I just took it for granted that it was everywhere, but it's not.

Since comments in LeoFinance don't have the reblog widget, switch to a front-end such as Ecency/PeakD/Hive.Blog. After the switch, the reblog widget will appear. At that point, just click the reblog widget and return to LeoFinance. LeoFinance may not show the reblogged comment, but Ecency/PeakD/Hive.Blog will.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Forget PeakD and Hive.Blog. For this "one weird trick," it's Ecency all the way!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Now that you mention it, I realize it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It's an easy thing to reblog a comment from LeoFinance, but sadly we have to use another front-end to do it.

I should start working on that post. The explanation is trivial; it's the graphics which will take me a while.

Whether that post is up or not, now know what to do.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta