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RE: Daily Crypto Markets Live Blog: Happy Bitcoin Legal Tender Day (09/07/21)

in LeoFinance3 years ago (edited)

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We know that many celebrities shill cryptos. Some shill for Bitcoin, Ethereum, and most especially Dogecoin and even Shiba Inu. Many of these celebrities are A-List, but many more are those who aspire to be on the A-List.

For many celebrities of the set mentioned earlier, the shilling they do is for shitcoins and scamcoins. Dave Portnoy shills for SafeMoon, but I don't fault him since he knows for a fact its a scamcoin so he didn't lose the rent money or payroll on it.

Given that there are more shitcoins and scamcoins in the cryptoverse than there are solid crypto projects such as Binance Coin, Polygon, THORChain, Chainlink, Cardano, Solana, Terra, Monero, Polkadot, Avalanche, and Hive, these celebrities and other shillers need to know which cryptocurrency is worth the effort to shill for.

Sick of Shilling for Shitcoins? #HiveFixesThis

Sick of Shilling for Scamcoins? #HiveFixesThis

Disappointed with Sportscoins? #HiveFixesThis

You get the idea....

Special mention to @the-bitcoin-dood who posted about this topic at D.Buzz recently. It led me to consider how #HiveFixesThis can be used in this context.

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