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RE: LeoThread 2023-05-16 15:05

in LeoFinancelast year


The motley crew I had assembled must have been one of the most unlikely ever. My summoners call the wrong things. My tanks are busted. The only reason victory came to me thanks to the most unlikely of fighters: Furious Chicken.


This is amazing - the weakest become the saver

#aliveandthriving #ctp #liotes

LOL, that's the story, all right!

I don't play Splinterlands, so I don't know what's out there that I can use. I only know about Furious Chicken from a buzz I saw @ D.Buzz in Fall 2021. I was definitely surprised that such a player exists.


This is an example of Splinterlands-related zapfic. For the players, their zapfic/zapsps will be far superior to mine. I just wanted to provide a template for the tags as well as an example for proof of concept.