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RE: Daily commenting strategy on Hive

in LeoFinance2 years ago

Most of us are so focused on the crypto aspect of the community that we tend to forget about the finance aspect unless it's about LEO or HIVE.

There's still topics we can write about which are more meaningful to us than just "following the markets":

  • personal finance;
  • budgeting for home or business;
  • financial education (outside schools) for the next generation;
  • marketing-- something we should be learning as children;
  • mastering the search engine game;
  • barter;
  • alternatives to traditional banking even apart from crypto;
  • ways to make money using not only precious metals but also base metals;
  • how to turn a hobby into a side hustle;
  • how to turn a side hustle into the day job;
  • how to travel the world for free -- this itself has spawned communities here and elsewhere.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Thanks for the list, I'll print it out and hold onto it for the times I need something to write about.


You're welcome, and thank you for the CTP!

What's important is that you have options, and with the list as a starter you may even discover your own options which would be just as welcome at LeoFinance. Whenever you're ready, on your own timetable, LeoFinance will be there waiting for your post! :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta