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RE: Daily Crypto Markets Live Blog: What can you share about different blockchains? (09/19/21)

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Despite the heavy influence the United States has on Japan, I see Japan as a nation led by people who have caution and foresight. That could be cultural, but caution and foresight are good things to have in leadership.

When it comes to the EU, I cannot say likewise. Given the difficulty in bringing its member states in agreement on many things, plus the crises concerning radical leftism, immigration, and COVID-19, it doesn't look good for the EU.

I'm pulling for Japan and expecting the EU to self-destruct for its own good.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Well Abe threw the leadership idea out the window for me.

What Japan does have is they are very technologically advanced, something that is helping them combat their demographic woes. No nation outside the US can compete with Japan on this end of things.

The EU has that problem (in addition to the leadership) also. They are not the most advanced region technologically.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Well Abe threw the leadership idea out the window for me.

Nobody's perfect. That was bound to happen sooner or later, it just turned out to be with him.

As for Europe, it is doomed-- EU or no EU.

Technology is a major factor for both Japan and the United States. The weakness for both nations is the supply chain, and Japan would suffer worse from supply chain woes than the United states. Resources and raw materials would still need to be imported, but the imports should be reduced with a greater native capacity to manufacture the components needed to manufacture goods and technolical advances.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta