
Yea, that it's true... a shitcoin is a shitcoin until it isn't...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

If the shitcoin moons, then it's like finding money on the street: you weren't expecting it, but it makes your day.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hahaha that's very right

Not a bad day if you can turn like 50 bucks into thousands. Doesn't happen all that often but it's always a possibility

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Even better would be turning real-life found money into crypto found money. Except for a coin or two, we don't usually find money in the street. USD 50 would be a week of obscenely-priced coffee or a day at a show, so diverting that money to Shiba Inu or some other shitcoin wouldn't be a bad move. The only bad thing would be the tax implications should the shitcoin moon, and we can deal with that when it hapepns.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta