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RE: Daily Crypto Markets Live Blog: Happy Bitcoin Legal Tender Day (09/07/21)

in LeoFinance3 years ago

The problem with the private sector is that they will never risk that much money for the same low rates that those institutions offer so it's a no-go.

That's because the private sector uses its own money. Even if private sector companies are foolish in spending money. they are held to account for it and that's never fun. Public sector institutions, on the other hand, use Other People's Money, so they don't feel so bad in spending it or mismanaging it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


That's very true. They excel at mismanaging resources of all kinds. Hopefully one day they won't be the ones that make the rules

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The problem with the private sector is that they will never risk that much money for the same low rates that those institutions offer so it's a no-go.

Yes and no. I agree they won't risk that much for low returns, BUT they are also able to do things much cheaper so their margins can be much better. As you say, governments just hemorrhage money all over the place. Private companies streamline things to make a profit. They can also use these low rates to get people in the door and make up for their low returns by upselling into higher margined products.

If someone can make money, they'll find a way to do it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

100% true and correct but in this case I don't think they can help because what the government is looking for in the deal is 1 Billion dollars to patch some holes in their budget and I don't see any corporation willing to do that for them

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta