
This isn't about real estate prices, it is about inflation. Pump massive amounts of debt into an economy, inflation increases. Once inflation increases, interest rates will follow. When there is a 40% nationwide bump in housing prices in around a year, be wary.

Usually, real estate is very slow to react to downturns because banks and large investors have a tendency to play the game in a corrupt way. They don't reevaluate the price until the markets reached an equilibrium due to stagnation.

Liquidity is rising, Real Estate creates more profits than s*itcoins with 0 risk. Prices drop, well as long as it's not 2008 at least, they will just give themselves quasi-unlimited creditworthiness and sit on the assets. Maybe flip them from one fund to another from year to year.t

Buying the top of a market that has been so inflated of any asset will likely see a dump at least in the short term. For those who overextended themselves with debt that they aren't able to service if interest rates increase a couple percent (like many have), they are going to struggle to survive in that short term, which is the issue for many in Australia (and likely other places) at the moment. In Finland for example, there was only marginal increases in real estate value.

Haha yeah, you're insanely expansive already. There probably wasn't too much room to grow into.