Opinion: December 15, 2021. Is Silver Cheap at a Gold:Silver Ratio of 80:1?

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Picture Steemit SteemLeo World Finance.jpg

The current price of gold is US$ 1789 and the price of silver is US$ 22.23. The ratio is 80.4:1. Historically, there are not many moments in recent history of this happening and it is associated with a subsequent rise in the price of silver.

If we go by history, this may be the right time to purchase some silver. The common knowledge also says that gold is undervalued and when gold prices rise, silver prices rise faster. The average ratio in these modern times is 40-50:1

Graph from here

For further information, read this article

This post is intended to only raise awareness. In order to make actual financial decisions please contact your financial advisor and/or tax advisor prior to making the decision.

great analysis and up-to-date information.

It goes without saying that there is no price for silver compared to the price of gold. It is true that when the price of gold goes up, so does the price of silver.