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RE: When Would Be The Best Time To Start Onboarding Users To LeoFinance?

in LeoFinance4 years ago

Yeah, passively investing in LEO is something to look into. Rather than auto-curation, I think a leasing market for Leo Power would be much more beneficial for the ecosystem and the price of LEO. Auto-voting damages curation. We don't want shit posts being auto-voted on. It would make economic sense for ETH holders to rent Leo Power to motivated curators by simply depositing ETH through the UI and collect passive income in ETH. That's because renting it to motivated curators would be more likely to positively impact the price of LEO.

Also, when wLEO is relaunched ETH holders can become liquidity providers to the wLEO/ETH pools.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Yes exactly, you get my idea and have put it the right way. Namaste