Bitcoin above $23k and the rest of market Bullish

in LeoFinancelast year

Awesome start to the year it has for Bitcoin and the rest of the market has the top cryptocurrency surpasses $23k for time in as many months thereby raising the global crypto market cap to a $1trillion.



The last time Bitcoin was at this range was sometime in November before the FTX saga hit which seriously affected the market. It is a great thing to see the market recover and look somewhat bullish in the meantime.

Bitcoin dominance in the market is obviously seen as the flagship crypto holds about 42% of the Total market capitalization. It's a good sight to also see other cryptocurrency follow suit with the upwards movement alongside Bitcoin.

Ethereum is currently at $1610, BNB at $307, XRP at $0.41 and our dear Hive at $0.38. We can only but hope the bullish trend continues for sometime after enduring the bearish situation for quite a long time with the whole of 2022 basically devasting. Hope 2023 keeps the hope alive

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