Total CUB burned crosses 1.5m

in LeoFinance2 years ago

Since August things has taken a good turn with V2 vault and multi token bridge. Causing more interest and attention from investors with HBD and Hive brought into the mix.


Concerning the burns, the Binance smart chain based DeFi CubFinance has three times more in burns since then compared to all that has burnt when it was launched in 2021.

At 1.5milllion Cub burnt, it's really a great one for the future of the token. It means that a flippening might be happening real soon. Cub price currently sit at $0.021. Grabbing some at the moment sounds like the right call.


The farms and Kingdoms at CubFinance seem to be doing well like always with it's impressive APR. With the Crypto market experiencing some situation, investing there especially the stable pool of bHBD-bUSD is a smart one.

The direction of Cub looks bright with all the team is the doing and the support from the community and investors. It there's one DeFi platform I recommend, it's got to be CubFinance. Don't sleep on it

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta