Total Cub burned hits 1.75m

in LeoFinance2 years ago

The CubFinance seems to be doing much better since it's burn program and the launch of the V2 vault with bHBD and bHIVE few months ago has it hit a milestone in term of burning of about 1.75m Cub.


Total Cub burned since the bHBD and bHIVE introduction amount to 1.25m which about to 71% of the total burned thus far. It shows the impact and rate of the burn since it's launch.

CubFinance is a sustainable DeFi on Binance smart chain launched by the LeoFinance team sometime last year. It is so far proven to be a DeFi with proven track record and impressive APR.

Cub Price currently sits $0.021 with more potential to rise in the future with the buyback and burn program and other additional features like collaterized lending, bonding etc. Grabbing some cub right now seems like the smart thing to do.


It's pool in the farms and Kingdoms are quite attractive. Looking for a DeFi platform to yield more returns on your funds? Look no further has CubFinance got you. Visit to get started.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


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Hope we will see the price reacting on these tokenomics soon !winex

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Thanks for the information, I am accumulating CUB whenever possible with more LEO overall.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta