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RE: Governments Will Lose: Crypto Much Bigger Than They Are

in LeoFinancelast month

I agree to an extent. But never underestimate evil people who desire nothing less than complete control. Self custody is all good but it is impossible to use crypto if you're locked in a cage. Unfortunately, I believe most crypto will eventually be co-opted by governments (specifically the WEF held ones). Like atomic energy, it will take an advancement that can create positive change and turn it into the ultimate means of enslavement (ie CBDCs). We need to establish parallel economies and communities outside of their control. And then we need to protect them.


Certainly people need to opt out. Of course, you are presuming that the WEF is going to win which it will not.

Schwab is an academic. He lives in the theoretical world. That is their problem. History shows that those who operate from that perspective end up failing.

Theory and how people behave are two different things.