The Anarchist Investor Weekly - Black & White Swans - Origin Story - How to Purchase Gold & Silver - Would You Rather - You Are Capable of Much More Than You Think

in LeoFinance2 months ago


Black & White Swans On the Horizon?

Ai, Crypto, and Geopolitical conflict are the most immediate candidates.

I am on record saying that I think the Federal Reserve is shooting for 10 years of lackluster economic performance in the US. This means a decade of misery for middle and lower income brackets. This also means the US economy is in a fragile position and a major push could send it hurtling over a cliff into a major recession or even a depression.


Black Swans

In the investment world, things are true until they aren’t. Or vice versa. On Wall Street most folks put their fingers in their ears and hum loudly if you try and talk to them about reasons why asset values won’t go up. The entire industry has a vested interest in ‘investments go up’. Only small pockets of the investment world are even willing to entertain the possibility that something bad could happen that would cause asset prices to drop.

What Is a Black Swan?
A black swan is an unpredictable event that is beyond what is normally expected of a situation and has potentially severe consequences.
Black swan events are characterized by their extreme rarity, severe impact, and the widespread insistence they were obvious in hindsight.

Statistically hidden failures like the ones that led to the Great Financial Crisis in 2007-2009 are referred to as such. The only way to have been able to see them ahead of time was to torture data everyone else around you assumes to be true and good. It is the chaos lurking within the euphoria. And interestingly enough in a show of complete revisionist history, most folks say they could see it coming after the fact.

Dr. Doom & White Swans


Enter Dr. Nouriel Roubini, a man affectionately referred to as Dr. Doom. He has had a knack for predicting market failures like the Great Kreskin or Carnac the Magnificent.


The man is accused of being a constant bear. Always waiting for the next shoe to drop in financial markets. Can you blame him? A house of cards only needs a light breeze to fall over. So the man’s preoccupied with testing the wind speed.

In an irony of all ironies, Dr. Roubini published this article in February of 2020 discussing white swans. Market events that are known unknown quantities (usually getting ignored or deemphasized by others because they don’t want the party to stop). These ‘White Swans’ can be identified and anticipated by assigning a risk premium to them. Or they can be ignored at one’s own peril. Roubini specifically focused on geopolitical conflicts that could boil over into election interference, cyber attacks, hot war, or even economic warfare. He also references climate change. I’m not going to get into that one just yet.

The same tensions that existed leading into the COVID crisis are still present today. In many cases they have been escalated. The west is currently engaged in a proxy war with Russia. Hot war with Iran draws closer as Israel continues its’ fighting in Gaza and it is spilling over into Syria, Yemen, and Iran. China’s economic situation has weakened considerably which could lead it to take desperate measures.

All of these white swans can be added to two of the bubbles we currently see inflating in front of our very eyes. Let’s look at some of the possibilities and then prescribe some ‘risk premiums’ we can use to protect ourselves.

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Hot War with X

The United States has been in a perpetual state of war since the 60’s. Determining which country is the biggest ‘threat to democracy’ each decade is like playing a game of wheel of fortune at the casino. Except the only thing you win is more deficit spending, inflation, and innocent victims. The ultimate manifestation of this would be WW3 and possibly some kind of nuclear attack. This would be a SHTF moment that many preppers would say, “I TOLD YOU SO!”.


Prescription: preparing for this kind of eventuality is a whole other post so I’m just saying to having some food, water, a means to protect yourself, dropping this meme and moving on.

Economic Warfare

This could take the form of a number of different attacks or actions. Cyber attacks could target international clearing markets. China could coordinate with other BRIC countries to dump United States Treasuries onto the market (driving their interest rates up and quickly bankrupting the US). Iran and OPEC could drastically restrict the global supply of oil driving up prices dramatically. All of these point to inflation and a need for alternatives to US Treasuries and Dollars. Prescription: get out of ‘bad debt’ and diversify your investments into gold, silver, land/real estate and a little bit of crypto like BTC.


The Everything Bubble Bursts

This I think is the most likely of all these extreme events. It also coincides with some of Dr. Roubini’s White Swans or could be exacerbated by them.

AI company market caps are now over $45 Trillion. The underlying revenue supporting these valuations is 1/10th to 1/100th in many cases. This is unsustainable. Either their revenues need to grow incredibly quickly to support those valuations or there is a day of reckoning where all of these companies will get revalued in a very short period of time.

BTC and the Crypto markets are rising to levels that I’m not sure many folks have a concrete justification for. I’ve addressed this in several of my recent posts including the most recent one entitled Bitcoin & Crypto Will Crash. Crypto has a big place in the future of business and life in general. However, the values of these coins have overshot the market by a wide margin. There is also rampant speculation and fraud. Did you know you can use your Bitcoin as collateral to buy more Bitcoin? There are business models at work here that have driven crypto to a $2.5 Trillion market cap. The whole sub-prime bubble was $1.7 Trillion leading into 2008 and the loan losses there were only in the 10-15% range. What happens if the crypto space sees a 50% or more drop in a very short period of time? This is a White Swan that I think Bitcoin Maxi’s are ignoring with reckless abandon.

Prescription: hold some US dollars in a safety fund and diversify your holdings of crypto but also only make crypto a smaller portion of your overall portfolio. 5-10% is more than enough if the grandest visions of the market are realized. If the result is the opposite, losing 5-10% of your portfolio won’t break you. Also, I have cut back almost completely from my involvement in stock markets. Obviously that isn’t an option for most folks with a 401k or IRA but you can get more conservative in those accounts and take profits while they’re still there to take.


Black Swans are almost impossible to see and White Swans are difficult to prepare for because they don’t hurt your investments until they’re hurting everyone else’s investments. That doesn’t change the fact that being an anarchist investor means you need to be prepared for these events. The Fed may succeed in keeping everything held together with duct tape and wishful thinking. From where I sit, it’s more likely that a stiff breeze comes along and upsets their carefully laid plans (as usually happens). Regardless, I’ll keep raising the alarm bell when it’s warranted and discussing solutions.

How Did I Come to Be an Anarchist Investor?

It's not like you wake up one day and come to that conclusion.

Shunning Wall Street to help folks invest in precious metals, crypto, side hustles, and other alternative investments isn’t really an expected place to find yourself in. Most folks who are enticed by finance or investment end up watching the Movie Wall Street repeatedly and dreaming of being a hedge fund manager or broker at some big firm. I too had some of those delusions or grandeur, until I found out what that system was built on.


Expectations of Greatness

My mother wanted me to be a doctor. Not just any doctor, a double doctor (MD, PhD). I always had a knack for math and science though my grades weren’t always the best because I didn’t want to do any homework. If something came easy to me I felt like I didn’t have to work at it too much. This meant I always had enough knowledge to speak about things in an informed way but quite often I didn’t have the expertise to go any deeper.


My undergraduate degree is in Biomedical Engineering. It was a dream of mine to reattach people’s spinal cords after injuries. The lab work I liked, the bureaucracy of university and corporate life I did not. It was while I was working on my senior thesis that I met the Vice President of the company I was interning at. He was the one that made most of the strategic business decisions. In a world of PhD’s, this guy had an undergraduate degree in Biology and an MBA and all the other “intelligent people” needed his sign off to do something. It immediately occurred to me that regardless of the venue, it was the person who controlled the budget that really was in charge. So I went back to school nights and weekends and got an MBA.

The Turning Point

It was during the time I was getting my MBA that I needed a different job that offered flexible hours but still some good pay. I found my way into a bank as a teller. From there I moved up to account management and eventually a manager. The bank didn’t call them managers though, we were Business Development & Sales Supervisors. I had to find businesses to bank with the branch and originate loans. During that sales process it occurred to me that banks don’t really have many strategic advantages over other banks. You can talk all day long about the number of branches and service team. But an ATM is an ATM. And a teller cashing a check is a teller cashing a check.

It also occurred to me that for all the millions in deposits in the bank, there is almost no money in the actual bank itself. The safe was literally filled with about $100,000 at most for a bank that had over $6 million in deposits. Part of this was due to digital/online banking being so big. Part of this was also due to Fractional Reserve Banking. In short, the bank takes in $100 in deposits and makes $200 - $1,000 worth of loans. This is the reason bank runs happen. The Bank creates more money than it has on hand. Every bank is in a perpetual state of illiquidity. And the leadership only cares that they keep the doors open day to day so they can pocket interest & fee payments.



Between spots with the bank, I moonlighted as a Proprietary Trader at a firm across the street. Prop Traders don’t trade for a company. They trade for their own account. I fronted $5,000 and the firm leveraged me up so I could purchase up to $300,000 in stock at any moment in time. If the stock went up, I made money. If it went down, my $5,000 cash account would go down. This is a very high risk and 99%+ of prop traders don’t make it.

I had mixed results but it became very apparent that the more money you wanted to make, the more risk you had to take on. I saw a buddy lose $80,000 in a day. Immediately I knew I couldn’t do that. If I had a day like that, it would break me. It didn’t stop me from running through several thousand dollars of my own money before a divorce (unrelated) ended my tour of duty as a trader though. What I did take away from that job was lots of knowledge about how markets trade second to second and day to day. Technical and fundamental analysis paired with psychology. I was also introduced to the concept of Black Box trading. Hedge Funds had just began using automated trading bots. Some days they were the only ones trading, trying to take pennies or fractions of pennies from each other, a thousand times a minute.

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Risk Management

My next stops taught me what it was to not be a crazy investor or personal business owner. To make measured moves and torture details before pulling the trigger. I worked as a Financial Advisor and then as a Property & Casualty Broker focusing on Operational & Enterprise-Wide Risk Management. These two positions made me appreciate what it was to be a successful investor and business owner. You have to plan for contingencies. Contingencies are the lifeblood of any operation that lasts for decades or even centuries. Contingencies and adaptability. You need to be able to identify when you’re wrong and pivot.

In these positions I also gained an inside look at government. I won’t share too many anecdotes here but I can tell you that the rational decision making within a government structure is irrational everywhere else. It’s another planet and it interacts with the real world in a very troubling way. It was this experience that brought me full circle back to my days banking and to fully understand how The Federal Reserve and Government manipulate the economy and repeatedly violate basic laws of economics, thinking they know better and won’t ever have to pay the price. Spoiler alert: they’re wrong.


I wasn’t an avid reader. This is a huge regret. There is so much information and knowledge in the world. Books and information are the most important commodity on earth. Authors like Murray Rothbard, Ludwig von Mises, Thomas Sowell, and Adam Smith helped me understand the bigger picture. They helped me decipher why I was seeing behaviors and activities at the ground level. They also helped me to understand the costs of meddling with the naturally occurring laws of economics. Consequently, I have become a major natural law person in all walks of life but that is a story for another blog.


I’ve lived several lives professionally and they have culminated in what I want to embody in this newsletter. Valuable knowledge that empowers others to take control of their financial health and destiny. To reclaim it from centralized power centers that seek to steal from them. And I’m on the path right along with all of you. I’m looking forward to sharing more of my story and so much more of what I have learned and have yet to learn! And thank you for being a reader. Your time is valuable and I have a huge appreciation for your decision to share a little bit of it with me.

How to Purchase Precious Metals

A Mostly Complete Guide

If you haven’t ever purchased gold, silver or other precious metals it may be a bit daunting to start. What should I purchase? Where should I look to purchase it from? What is a good deal versus a bad deal? Here is my personal guide to buying (and selling) precious metals for your portfolio.


What to Buy?

-Gold & Silver
This is what stackers typically focus on. Gold is rarer in terms of its’ total production and more sought after. Silver has a higher amount of industrial use and a lower price point. I would suggest anyone new to stacking starts with Silver. The larger the face value of the metal, the easier it is to make a bad purchase or get swindled. Focus on rounds at first. Special coins like Eagles come with higher Premiums so it’s possible you might be overpaying for a coin and not maximizing the total amount of silver or gold you could be purchasing. Bars are also an option once you get going. A couple 10 ounce silver bars for $250 a piece aren’t a bad thing but just remember those will be more difficult to transact with if that’s what you’re ultimately looking to do with your silver. Otherwise, stick with rounds that have a lower premium both when you purchase them and when you eventually sell them.

These are also the two easiest metals to either transact in or liquidate into fiat currency when needed. There are also some variants like silver coins and collectible coins that have special values because of their history or rarity. I’m not big on coin collecting but it can be a fun hobby to pick up alongside stacking gold & silver. Some folks just love digging through piles of old change for a chance at a rare penny or silver nickel worth $100.

-Platinum & Palladium
Higher face value and more difficult to get your hands on. I would not suggest purchasing these if you’re just starting out. They can come in fractional pieces or full coins. Their market dynamics are also a little different than that of Gold & Silver. Do a bit of reading/researching first before getting into these. They also aren’t as liquid as gold and silver so it might be difficult if you ever need to liquidate part of your holdings. There is an online option for purchasing/selling lower in the article.

It’s good as a novelty. I have a couple 1 oz. bars that my family gave me and my kids as gifts lying around. Note that copper prices are much lower per ounce and as a result you need a huge amount of it as a store of any kind of appreciable value. I’m not sure you want to be buying tons of copper as an investment unless you’re looking to run a scrap metal facility or electrical wire manufacturing business. It is a fun and cheap way to introduce younger kids to stacking with a low risk in case they lose one.

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Where to Buy?

Moving forward I’m going to stick with Gold & Silver. The most common places to purchase these are online, a local coin shop, or in a private sale.

You can purchase gold & silver from several places online. If you want to take physical possession of it, I suggest you work with a reputable online shop. Some fly by night operations online sell bogus metal. I prefer to stick with SD Bullion for my online purchases. Sign up for their email or text updates as you’ll get wind of some deals and reduced premiums on particular coins when they become available.

You can also choose to purchase gold and silver and vault it with a third party. This makes it easier than buying a safe and caring for your own stack. It can also give you an opportunity to lease out your stack and earn a percentage yield. The following four resources are good if you’re looking to invest but keep your stack somewhere else:

  • Straight up Gold & Silver Purchases:

  • Gold, Silver & Other Metals Purchases:

  • Earn APY on your Gold & Silver:

  • Earn APY and Use Gold & Silver to Transact:


-Local Coin Shop
The best advice I can give you here is to call around and get to know your local shop operators. You will also want to get a sense of premiums they typically charge. Some shop owners are consistently high or low on their premiums. You may also be able to work up a reoccurring relationship so that the premiums for the average Joe off the street don’t apply to you because you’re regularly purchasing. Definitely check reviews and also use some word of mouth. If your friends have ever purchased metals from a local shop, get their take on the owner, the offerings and the price structure. Don’t sleep on pawn shops. They occasionally get gold & silver in and you can get some really good deals. This takes constant contact though because it’s based on what walks through their front door.

I had an awesome experience at Garden State Gold & Coin in Boonton, NJ. I would highly recommend them as an option if you live in the Northern NJ area. I wrote about it here:

A note on premiums - they fluctuate just like the spot price of the metal. Sometimes it makes sense to pay higher premiums because demand is high or the market is dictating higher spot prices in the future. You’re going to need to keep an eye on what the markets are doing right now. I would suggest Silver Seeker as a channel on YouTube to watch. He regularly calls coin shops around the country to see what they’re charging and paying for metals. Always call around to shops in your local area to see if it aligns with the trends he’s seeing in his videos.

My preference for selling is to go to a trusted dealer/shop. They will be honest on the price and have the resources to be able to liquidate a small or large stack. Their purchase prices may not be as high as a private sale so keep that in mind. However, trust is a huge deal if you’re trying to move 5 figures worth of precious metals. Just keep in mind your ability to call around and test the prices available in your local market. You may also be able to ship your pieces to an out-of-state shop but I wouldn’t advise this for larger deals unless you’re already familiar with the operation.

-Private Sale/Purchase

This is the riskiest of the three options. Someone could try and scam you with fake metals or misrepresent exactly what you’re purchasing. They could also shake you down for a higher/lower price once you get together to make the deal. I wouldn’t recommend this type of purchase for noobies. The key here is to have a wingman for the first couple and get yourself some testing equipment. I may get into this a little deeper in future posts but for this one just know that a lot of prep work and experience goes into finding deals in person-to-person transactions. This option does have the potential for the best deals by the way. But there are huge pitfalls that come with it.

*Occasionally you can hit the jackpot at garage or estate sale if you know what to look for. Especially if you know how to identify silver flatware or junk silver coinage that you can buy in bulk and then sort through.



If you’re going to take possession of part or all of your stack (I advise having at least some of it in direct possession) then you’re going to need to protect it. Step one is getting some protective tubes or sheets to store your coins in. They are widely available online at SD Bullion or even at your local coin shop. You will also need some form of safe or at least a fire safe cabinet. I’ll leave the rating up to you as they get costlier the longer they’ll hold out under direct fire exposure. A 1 hour rating is a minimum. Take this opportunity to store some other valuable as well like identification, fiat currency, jewelry etc. Finally, you may want to store some in a less obvious place. Underground safes have been a thing for a while. The key is remembering where you buried it! I haven’t used these as I live on a Mountainside but I have heard good things about Dirtyman Safe.


Stacking precious metals can be fun, interesting, and challenging. This obviously isn’t an exhaustive guide. I will be adding to it in the future as I progress in my stacking journey. I would love to hear what your experience has been and some of your best tips/tricks in the comments!

Would You Rather?

An investment thought experiment on X.

It seems like a simple question at first. It is anything but. Would you rather have a one-time stimmy check for $100,000 or an asset that gives you $10,000 per year? I posted this very quandary on X as a thought experiment. The poll results almost don’t matter to me, it’s the reasoning I wanted from the comments. And it did not disappoint! Post Link

Immediate Reaction

I specifically tried to frame this in such a way that there would be significant dissent. There is no ‘right’ answer. Most investment is individual specific (I am not a financial advisor, make your own decisions :)) and requires a number of assumptions. For instance, I did not include anything to do with the anticipated rate of inflation, tax bracket, useful life of the asset, age you’re at now, etc. Many of these missing pieces were pointed out, answered, and incorporated into answers by the respondents. What I did like most was the vast majority of the answers were made with the personal situation of the individual in mind.

There were a number of respondents that chose the $100,000 because they were older and didn’t need the stream of income (no one really talked about willing their assets).


There may not be a "next year", as we know it. And considering, especially with the dollar, that today's money is worth more than tomorrow's, I'll take the money and run.

Or they had a doomer vibe with respect to geopolitics, inflation and the fate of the dollar, or simply just mortality. They wanted the sure thing today.

It does not matter. The entire Financial System is ripe for the loss of all assets. All gone. Poof. When the people understand theres not a red cent anywhere its going to be a problem.

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Compounding Interest

While some folks grasped this concept without understanding they did and others eloquently described it, there was a large number of respondents that glossed over it or in some cases chose the $100,000 citing compounding interest without doing the math. One respondent did an exemplary job working through it.

I did the math, assuming I invested all the cash in both scenarios at a conservative 9% in a broad US market mutual fund or ETF with reinvestment. The 10k wins after 20 years. In both cases I would fully fund an IRA for a lower tax burden.

Taxes also create a gigantic wrinkle here. If they’re both tax free, then the issue goes away. However, if taxes are due each year that you’re receiving the money or if one is tax protected and the other is not, it changes the game completely.



My favorite answers were the folks with the mindset of taking either option and game planning how they would leverage the up front cash or the cash flow to invest and make a return to create an outsized gain from the opportunity. There were votes on either side that focused on levering up the lump sum or the cash flow to purchase a productive asset like real estate to rent or invest in themselves/equipment/a business.

I’m pretty sure you could leverage a bank knowing you get 10k a year and barrow at least 250k depending on your age and then buy a rental property that will generate 15k a year. Then so on and so forth.

It’s this mindset that I’m trying to find in a community and lead folks to that don’t currently think this way. It’s easy mode to say you’ll buy a low load etf that tracks the S&P 500 and you’ll get 7-9% per year. It’s also dangerous based on your timing and the fact that you don’t control your own investment future this way. It puts your wealth in the hands of folks that don’t share the same goals as you. Investing in yourself or other assets you control means you are the master of your own destiny (at least much more so than allowing a wall streeter to control things).

Bitcoin Solves for This

I am very worried. I’ve written and spoken about this ad nauseum on my LIVE broadcasts. Bitcoiners accurately identify the failings of the current banking system and fiat currency debasement in the Western World. However, it seems like they want to apply Bitcion as the ultimate fix for everything. It’s a risk-reward setup that is very scary. Several of the answers focused on taking the $100,000 up front and putting it all into Bitcoin to stave off inflation or because Bitcoin is going to the moon! I didn’t see a single answer that involved Bitcoin as a component. For instance, I didn’t get someone saying they would take $50,000 from the stimmy and plunk it into Bitcoin dollar cost averaging over the next couple years and use the other $50,000 to invest in rental property or buy land. The most emphatic Bitcoin supporters strike me as pushing all their chips into the middle of the table because they think they are holding a Royal Flush. In reality, most gamblers don’t win much with a Royal Flush. They win the most with pairs and they do it repeatedly over a long time because Royal Flushes are extremely rare.

This amount of cashflow is a shit coin compared to the 100k into #Bitcoin.

Bitcoiners may be right in the end. My gut tells me that most will ride the roller coaster all the way up and back down again. And there will be a day when the down isn’t followed by another up. They’ll also miss out on the opportunity to invest in other productive assets alongside Bitcoin to diversify the risk and smooth out their returns.



Everyone has their own set of circumstances, motivations, and assumptions. This means there is no ‘one size fits all’ answer for individuals when they’re investing their hard earned assets. It’s why I’m not a fan of the financial planning industry and Wall Street. A no load S&P 500 etf is not the be-all end-all for most investors. If anything, funneling most folks into that investment is risky and just accomplishes a manufactured support for Wall Street taking riskier bets with those dependable returns to fall back on. It’s literally the masses financing the outsized gains of the wealthy. And finally, keep reading, listening, and learning. No one has a monopoly on good ideas or great investment practices. A no one is infallible, me included.

You Are Capable Of Much More Than You Think

The prisons we build for ourselves are much worse than those built for us by others.

It has taken me a long time to get to this point. As someone who relies on a healthy dose of skepticism, anytime someone asks me to ‘just believe’, it’s a Herculean effort to even try. I think this comes from the heavy STEM educational background. I don’t really believe things until I can see or touch them. And even then it’s not 100% for me. Unfortunately, this also means I can be very self-limiting in my experiences and my achievements. This newsletter is one of the greatest leaps of faith I’ve even taken.



I watched this interview between Tom Bilyeu and Dr. Eric Weinstein yesterday and I can’t stop thinking about it…for so many reasons. The discussion ranges between a number of different topics but the one that made the biggest impact on me was the talk about portals. It’s a moniker that Dr. Weinstein uses to describe these huge leaps forward in our own lives. Most folks don’t even know about them so if they do pass through one it’s either by happenstance or because they were dragged/pushed through. They’re violent and destructive in an amazing way. They destroy the world you leave behind in a sense. The new place you find yourself in is so different it was almost impossible to imagine while you were on the other side of the mirror (the Louis Carrol reference is intentionally used often here).

What also stands out to me is that this conversation took place in January of 2020! Literally less than two months before the whole world was set into upheaval. I can personally tell you that I was thrust through a portal over the past 4 years. The world I see today is nothing like what I thought it would be. And the old world I lived in seems like an impossibility. I’m sure you would say something similar.

Intentionally Seeking Portals

Dr. Weinstein uses the analogy of learning to play guitar to demonstrate the power of portals. With 4 basic cords and a coffee cup, someone can go from never picking up a guitar to playing many songs that they know and resonate with them. The ensuing awakening to the fact that you don’t need to practice for years to enjoy an instrument is a portal. It destroys the old world where you thought you needed so much before you could enjoy playing the guitar to that level. Younger folks might call these life hacks or exploits but it goes much further than that. The act of going through a portal is perspective altering. It blows apart the restrictions you place on yourself and hold to be so true for so long.


I have known of people to actively seek out and walk through portals my whole life. I just didn’t know that’s what they were doing. My wife is one of those folks. She is a spiritual super hero of Wonder Woman proportions. Her openness to experience new things and give them her full attention is incredible. We started doing cold showers because of her. A similar story is shared by Dr. Weinstein about trekking through the jungle and noticing his risk taking behavior rising as his hygiene level dropped. She got myself and my son to learn how to do Transcendental Meditation. She even got certified as a Yoga Nidra guide and records them. People listen to them and use them to reset their relationship with their physical body, destress, heal, etc. If you’re interested, you can find them here:

It is possible to actively seek out these portals. These gateways that result in a rebirth into a brand new world. I think of the story of Roger Bannister. The man ran the first official sub 4-minute mile. At the time there were doctors on record saying a human being would die if they ever did. The moment Dr. Bannister broke that time, it became possible for everyone. In the months after he broke it, several others did as well. I guess it’s possible to push through portals for others as well.

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My Personal Challenge

I have had so many ideas of what I was capable of in the past that I have squashed because of self-imposed skepticism. Rules that exist only because I allow them to and in many cases actively reinforce. The last 4 years have taught me that so much of the world isn’t what it once was. So many masks and curtains have been removed. We’ve seen The Wizard and we’ve also been alerted that there are so many more Wizards to be seen.

The Anarchist Investor is one such challenge. For myself as well as for the kind folks that elect to take the journey with me. It’s a rebirth into a world where financial security and success isn’t dictated by folks we’ve never met who live thousands of miles away and don’t always share common motivations. A world where investments we all thought were too difficult to involve ourselves in or not worth our time are explored and given room to breath. Given room to grow into what they’re capable of without our mental prisons holding them back. A world where the conventions of control are shed. There will be some tools we bring with us through the portal too. Namely risk analysis and management. Understanding that assumptions always need to be questioned and tested.

This is going to be an exciting journey and I’m so grateful you’ve chosen to take it with me.

Get something out of this article? Awesome! Please let me know in the comments, and feel free to share this post with your friends. It would help a lot!

Keep in mind that investment and investment results are very much based on you as an individual. I am not an investment advisor. I’m a dude with an opinion. Do not rely solely on the discussion here to inform your investment decisions. Always make the investment decisions that are right for you and your situation