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RE: Why People Fail At Investing

in LeoFinance3 years ago

My biggest problem is learning to cut losses. Can’t always be right no matter the odds. Learn to keep capital safe is the most important part of the game of trading. No capital will mean I can’t trade and can’t earn. It also takes longer and more risk to recover from big losses. Not easy trading so I don’t make it my day job.


Ah I know the feeling there's always this hope it might turn around, but sometimes it's better to take that loss, shift the capital to something that's working and try to salvage it. I don't often rebalance my portfolio but I check it regularly, I don't also focus too much on the individual asset I own, but more how that market I'm in is doing and do I have a good allocation in that market.

I'm not trying to win all the time, just not lose most of the time lol