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hahahahaa i am opening it now
I didn't know it was top 5

but - the comment section is my absolute favorite place to be!!!! :) i love the comment section - i always say "its where the magic happens" hehehe

Where the magic happens? That sounds interesting. Only the wise could comprehend thisπŸ˜„

hahahahahaha well look!

How often do I get to talk to you???? Not very often, right?

When you write a post - it is only you talking to the masses.
When I write a post - it is only me talking to the masses.

But when we meet in the comment section - we get to talk , and engage fully, laugh, share some time together - even if just for the briefest moment!!! it is still magic :)

comment section: magical hehehehee

Lol. Now I grab your magic. That's nice.

hehehehe see? now you can spread the magic to others hahahaha

Yeah, but only when I will get the vibes and energy like you.😊

wooooooooooots. hehehehe
then you know what that means???

you have to keep coming back for more LOL