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RE: A Grandmothers Vision For HBD

in LeoFinance3 years ago

That is just all kinds of awesome buddy. It touched my heart when You Mom wanted to have a nice hive account for your children, that is a generous spirit. I applaud her willingness to learn something very very new.
Back in the 80s my Grand Father taught me that having a portfolio with dividend paying stocks. He even opened a custodial account for me at A.G. Edwards (a brokage firm) in the 80s unless you were a broker there was no online trading but for 50 bucks a month and a modem you could subscribe to the wall street journals service, but 50 bucks in the 80s was big money. It was small portfolio, but by the time I left for the Marines it was worth around $5,000.
When Microsoft hit the seen I was on fire and told everyone in my family that it would be the company of the future. None of the adults in my family, not my parents, aunts or uncles, not even my grandparents beleived me.
They told me this..... "Computers are for big companies, and universities. They are too expensive for home use, it is a bad idea, and just a fad... Hey this is real life not Star Trek, or Star Wars. Wake up kid before someone takes your money and you never see it again."
Given my experiance I applaud you Mother Jon for being open and clear headed about the future.


that's exactly how i feel.

this is tech that is still not understood or adopted by the mainstream, but in my moms case, they are coming around!