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RE: Leo Talk 4/29/2021 -Come Join Our Chat

in LeoFinance3 years ago

If a person is attracted to those massive network fees more power to them. I think what everyone is hoping for is that ETH will be the next Bitcoin and all involved will become rich. I have some doubts with those fees and the upcoming forks they will need to deal with, I might just sit back and watch 😀


Lol I don't think I am willing to risk paying those fees in my attempt to become rich. I will rather try somewhere else. I am sure a lot of people are not going to jump on it. Maybe I am wrong. Gary has a large following. I am one of his fanboys but eth is a no no for me. Plus, I am not big on NFTs just yet

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That is really what I enjoy most about Hive & the CTP community, we don't have to follow the herd. Here we are able to do things at our speed and still reap many benefits 😀

'High GAS fees' on ETH is the #1 reason for the rise of BSC and other blockchains that solves that problem. ETH HFs will not drastically change this issue overnight. It will still take some time. Until then, it's a golden opportunity for other chains to rise.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

All of that might end up taking months or years to play out. I think the hype and money is the thing that is keeping it up right now because the fees can only go up as ETH goes up.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta