Coinbase public listing and the door it will open

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Over the past week I've announced two important players to Bitcoin being Goldman Sachs and BlackRock Global entering the Cryptoshphere. You're probably wondering what's happening why isn't Bitcoin and markets increasing?

Well, at current these two global asset fund managers are waiting. They're at the door, they have written up their policies and procedures they have researched cryptocurrancy and put together portfolio packages for potential clients wanting to enter the market.

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At the moment these major players are locked out. They're at the door waiting to get in but can't get access as yet.

Due to government regulations in various countries around the world investments can only be purchased into through reputable and accepted markets. As many crypto exchanges operate outside of government regulations they are unable to be used by asset management institutions. But that's about to change.

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Coinbase the world's #1 cryptoexchange is currently undertaking its registration. On December 17 Coinbase announced that it has confidentially submitted a draft registration statement on Form S-1 with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The SEC is currently undertaking a review and the Initial Public Offering is tipped to.occure in the first quarter of 21.

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How much will a share be worth?

No one really knows as yet but we can make a quick assumption that initial offerings will not be that much. Coinbase has overseen $US260Billion worth of transactions since it's inception in 2012. However has only generated $US500million in revenue through fees it charges for transactions.

But that's not what the importance of it is, I think once Coinbase goes public shares will be under $AUD20 and grow rapidly. But again that's not the kicker here.
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Coinbase's public listing will make it the first registered and accepted cryptocurrancy exchange. Meaning it will open the door to major investors who will legally be allowed to invest in Cryptocurrancy. What ever coins are listed in Coinbase will become future leaders in the cryptoshphere. Not to mention Coinbase will also commence paying dividends to share holders.

The door that will be unlocked will see the global crypto market explode. I'd anticipate on day 1 there will be a slight bleep as new players hustle waiting to enter dive into the market. The rest will slowly arrive over the following 12 months. 2021 will be a big year in the cryptoshphere once Coinbase is publicly listed. But each year after that will see significant increases and records broken.

I'd even anticipate seeing Bitcoin hit $US80,000 this year and a roll out of payment methods as many small investors will want to get their hands on some BTC.

I think phase 2 of major asset management funds won't occur until around 22 - 23 when shops will have Bitcoin wallets for people to purchase using their Bitcoin.

Last years market crash almost occurred again this year but quickly recovered, that is a sign of things to come and peoples confidence in cryptocurrancy.

Keep your eyes peeled on any news about Coinbase's public listing. You can follow me also and I'll provide you more updates on anything I hear.

As always, what are your thoughts on Coinbase's IPO? Do you think it is the first of many to come or is it just hype?

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It's nice to know they want to government approved. Now the question is whether or not the regulations on crypto will an advantage or disadvantage. Unfortunately whenever government gets involved, it doesn't bode very well.

Here is some !WINE

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Cheers, @jfang003 You Successfully Shared 0.100 WINE With @melbourneswest.
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WINE Current Market Price : 10.000 HIVE

Ah yes this is true, I'm keen on seeing the documentation and the policies in place and what sorts of registrations people will need to maintain. I'm guessing some form of itinerary and I'd suspect coinbase will pump up it's fees as it will be the only legal exchange.


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Cheers, @melbourneswest You Successfully Shared 0.100 WINE With
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WINE Current Market Price : 10.000 HIVE

I was interested in what other people would say so I double checked the post. You replied to the wine bot so I didn't know about your response.

I hope they do not raise fees.

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Oh my! Sorry about that. I gave a !WINE to the wine bot. I clicked reply on your comment. I must have messed it up

Coinbase I believe will surely be a game changer for cryptocurrency once they get listed and the big players starts coming in.

I'll surely follow up your updates on new changes about the listing and I hope to create a coinbase account too when it get listed.

It's not currently accessible here in Nigeria at the moment for trading.


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Cheers, @marvinix You Successfully Shared 0.100 WINE With @melbourneswest.
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WINE Current Market Price : 10.000 HIVE

Oh that is a shame, I am able to use coinbase but can't withdraw into AUD so it is a pain and a challenge and I have never withdrawn.


Cheers, @melbourneswest You Successfully Shared 0.100 WINE With
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WINE Current Market Price : 10.000 HIVE

Thank you for your sharing!
The more information we know in advance, the more confident we can be.

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Thank you for sharing your thoughts. You're not the first person I've read about predicting a high Bitcoin price this year. Between Coinbase's attempts to enter the mainstream and the SEC's lawsuits, I lean towards agreeing with you about cryptocurrency exploding. If Coinbase can make this work, it may have positive effects on the market.

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100% and ill be sitting back enjoying a !WINE just need to invest a little more.

Cheers, @melbourneswest You Successfully Shared 0.100 WINE With @scholaris.leo.
You Earned 0.100 WINE As Curation Reward.
You Utilized 3/3 Successful Calls.


WINE Current Market Price : 1.100 HIVE

Not a fan of Coinbase as an application, but do like what it has in store for the crypto community as a whole. I hope that it helps to bring more people into crypto investing and pushes mass adoption.

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I for one am very excited about this IPO.
Looking to load up on some shares in my normal FIAT stock account.

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