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RE: Breaking the Cycle

in LeoFinance3 years ago

That's a great post mate, I think with kids you just do but gosh they are expensive. Food is the biggest killer. The first year or two of their lives they're ok. After that they need a full plate of their own. And omg the junk food, never had any junk food in the house now with lil miss 4 she is always asking for chips/chocolate etc.

I have 0 debt other than a block of land but I do need to note we just sold our home and starting to build a new one. I paid of my education debt pretty quickly but mine wasn't that much. Around $15,000. My wife still has hers, hers is something like $90,000.

I have a simple saying in life, if I can't pay cash it's not worth it.

The only debt I will have is my mortgage, but it is going to be a biggie.

Debt is a creation of the system to keep you trapped and working. No debt, no job,no home etc.

The world is about making someone else rich.

I've set a goal $1.5m to earn in cryptocurrancy. $500k gov would take $500k I keep to pay down debt and $500k to remain on the platform to keep building.

Who knows if I'll make it or what will happen between now and then, but I'm going to work to it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


That sounds like a really awesome goal. I hear you about the food thing. Not because of the kids obviously, but my wife and I eat a lot of fresh veggies. Those are freaking expensive. In the summer we can get them from the farms or grow our own, but in the winter you have pay an arm and a leg at the store. We have very little debt compared to most. Just my truck, our mortgage and a home improvement loan. I never had college debt (paid it off as I went) and we paid off my wife's masters a couple of years ago.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta