
The better have a focus on crypto use cases or they are going to die out like bugs on the windsheild.

Digital payments through use of CBDCs would be a good start, I rekon we will see Central Bank's launch their own and Tether and USDC might be in trouble. Although, Pay Pal has theirs so they might not have too.

CBDCs are now considered as the payment method of the future in a digitalised world and support amongst nations grows 2/3
#threadstorm #cryptonews #cryptocurrency

I consider those to be "Slave Coins" and will never adopt them.

Yo man!

You're still voting for the witness @bhuz, but they've been inactive for a year already!

Would you consider shifting your vote towards @town-hall?

Check the profile, it's pretty cool what we're doing!

You're 100% Correct about the Central Bank Owners "Digital Slave Units"... I just have a different spin on them...