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RE: Is Cable News In Trouble Without Donald Trump?

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Trump bashing was pretty funny, I don't really tune into US politics outside of partnerships and news relevant to Australia but then that kind of stuff never airs. I have to go elsewhere.

Who knows, maybe if they went back to actually reporting and providing information they might get their viewers back. I hold a few media subscriptions but that is solely so I can read what the opposition is writing about us.

I haven't actively watched T.V in probably over a decade. I'll watch movie and Netflix when I get a chance but my T.V is predominantly for my baby boomer mother inlaw and my 4 yo.

Interesting though. My mother in law has my wife (her daughter) elected to government. Me working in it and she still believes the bull shit on T.V.

Half the time I'm scratching my head, my mother in law has been AT events that get misreported. She believes the misreporting over actually being there.... fuck me boomers! Come on.

Trump bashing was important to watch, every politically minded person would be watching that and taking notes of the community response. You will see alot more of that shit into the future. Also, now I know it's coming need to plan against it.

If only people focused on actually doing the right thing..... the world would be a better place.

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Who knows, maybe if they went back to actually reporting and providing information they might get their viewers back

Not likely. As I stated above, it hasnt been this way in a long time, before Trump.

As for the Boomers, it is amazing how blind they can be. As the article mentioned, the cable news audience is dwindling. It will be interesting to see if their numbers go down for an extended period of time.

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