
🧵 2/5

For 13 years, I have worked for the same board that manages two locations.

My team of colleagues is divided between these two locations.

I am the lucky one who works at both places, but at one a little more than the other.

Our school has grown in recent years, and it was also necessary to expand our team.

New and often younger colleagues were hired.

As our school continues to grow, a reorganization is planned, and some changes are also being made within the management.

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Phase 2: Storming

In this phase, alliances are formed, and others are excluded.

The team starts figuring out its norms.

Team members feel more confident in this phase and dare to stand up for specific values and stand firm.

What is important to you must dare to come to the surface.

You must be able to stay with yourself.

Sometimes, it will also appear during this phase that some members need help or want to work with each other within a team.

This happens when differences are too significant.

If so, a different team or employer may be a better choice to move forward and grow in your career and career path.

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Phase 3: Norming

In this phase, team members work well together as a team.

Team members give each other solicited and unsolicited feedback and can do so correctly.

Rules are clear, and people address each other directly.

People check what was agreed upon and are willing to adhere to it or bring it up again in a meeting or other deliberation.