
When he won 100,000 francs in the state lottery, purchased at the Crédit Foncier in 1891, Claude Monet became financially independent. He was then able to live as he wanted to, and he did, wandering and painting the French countryside.

The oldest works of art are Paleolithic animal paintings discovered in prehistoric caves in southern France (Lascaux) and northern Spain (Altamira). The paintings, which are superb, date back to 30,000 to 10,000 BC.

I know water is an essential thing in life. We need water to survive. I must have missed the facts you dropped earlier.
Isaac Asimov's Book of Facts must be a good book. Are going to create a thread storm?

Yes, I am XD

The Mona Lisa, completed by Leonardo da Vinci in 1503, is considered the most valuable painting in the world. In 1962, its value was appraised, for insurance purposes, at $100,000,000.

I thought it would be The last dinner, because all of his byblical connotation and the part of the history that holds.

As if he didn't have everything else in his favor, Leonardo da Vinci was described by people who knew him as 'the most beautiful man who ever lived'.

The Statue of Liberty was first erected in Paris, where on July 4th, 1884, the French government officially donated it to the United States.

Van Gogh started drawing at the age of 27.

The art forger Madame Claude Latour was so skilled that some of her vivid paintings of Parisian streets and suburbs in the style of Maurice Utrillo even fooled Utrillo himself.