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RE: Hive Accounts: Protecting Your Digital Life

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Wow I find this post so helpful and very informative. I didn't know about the headset and it's connection to Facebook but I'm glad I learnt about that now. Haven't been on Facebook for a while now since I joined Hive, Hive has taken over and I'm loving it.

Indeed we live two different lives, the real world and the virtual live but I try my best to live the same in both aspect. I just wanna be real, that's all.

Protecting one's account is important now and later in the future. Indeed, we might just just wake one day to see that all our info are gone and you're right to say when that happens, it's like we're dead 😬 scary but true and I couldn't agree more.

Wonderful post sir, I hope more people read this to learn from it like me. Thanks for the information shared.

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