Week 22 of the 52 Week Chaos Pack Challenge... and uggh again!

in LeoFinancelast year

I am opening 52 packs in 52 weeks of Splinterlands Chaos Legion and this is the 22nd pack opening.

I purchased the packs at around $2.25 on Tribaldex, which is a great discount from the retail price of $4 a pack on Splinterlands. Or it once was a great discount. Now packs are $1.49 and declining. Looks like Chaos in Chaos!
Notice in the screenshot above, packs are trading at more volume than SPS today. I wonder what that indicates.

Ok onto the results, will I have a profit at the end of the year? Nope, not this week. That's five or six weeks in a row with a loser pack!

The return on this pack was a pretty shabby $1.04. The cumulative cost at this point is $47.25, while the return is now at $57.47. That profit gap just keeps on narrowing.

If you want to play a great Play 2 Earn game, use my referral code for 5 free cards delegated to you for the first 30 days and a bonus of 5 free cards given to you if purchase a Summoner's Spellbook https://splinterlands.com?ref=methodofmad

Want to know why Chaos packs keep dropping in value? check out this article https://peakd.com/hive-167922/@methodofmad/where-it-s-at-chaos-packs-kicking-at-usd1-50-also-week-21-pack-opening

Want to learn lots about Hive? Follow @cryptothesis. That dude is diving deep into Hive knowledge with every post.

Want to see the best recycling and repair posts on electronics? Follow @soltecno This guy can fix anything and he makes it all look easy!

Posted using Splintertalk


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Thanks for the shoutout, mate.


Another rough one.... Maybe next week will turn out the gold legendary and vastly improve your profit margin! I bought a few CLP since they offer a promo card with every pack, hopefully this buying group is legit! Thanks for the great information!

Yeah everything going down because of bear market. Sprinterland packs prices also going down. Hopefully sprinterland recover his in incoming bull market and i also think Bitcoin see his bottom.



I gifted $PIZZA slices here:
urri2020 tipped methodofmad (x1)
@cryptothesis(3/15) tipped @methodofmad (x1)

Send $PIZZA tips in Discord via tip.cc!

I love to play this type of play to earn games. I have created my account with your referral. Sprinterland game is very famous and popular. Hopefully incoming bear market sprinterland coin also going up.

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