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RE: Siphoning Values

in LeoFinance3 months ago

it cost the tax payer about 250,000 euros to educate a child through to year 12, ad another 200k through university.

The primary objective is to produce more "unit of labour".

but the governments don't care about this, because their "wellbeing" KPI is GDP. They can keep growing the economy, while people starve in the streets.

It has a complex tapestry of growth and wellbeing, may not necessarily complement each other the time. Divergence could be apparent.

because there is a disconnection in the economy between what is good for business, and what is good for people. The incentive is for people to look after themselves, invest into their own future, make as much money as possible, so they can buy more opportunity.

That's because of the viability gap. Since the time of French revolution they have habit to give marginal concession for the wellbeing fo the people to make it appaer like their primary objective is wellbeing of the people. Ultimately they objective is to wield power, means of production, and that results in circulation of elites, not circulation of weelbeing.


The primary objective is to produce more "unit of labour".

Yes, but when that labour isn't needed, what then?