
5> I had no clue people were experimenting with garlic this lady used it again for insects using the blender technique and added mint too

She ended up cooking it This Makes sense too

Thank you for sharing this video, I will definitely watch it thoroughly, I will also estimate the cost, then will begin the experiment.

u can also grow your own garlic from store bought garlic and maybe if garlic paste is available in store and close to expiry they give discounts.
Even expired one works 4 us as we are only spraying it and not consuming

It sounds like I have to apply the spray daily. If that is the case, it will be too much of a cognitive as well as additional maintenance load. I am looking for a less frequent/episodic solution.

the growing part is lengthy time consuming process but if those plants are in the vicinity are they repelling the monkeys ? something to be investigated

wow never knew about this method

so many things in the kitchen r super useful

The question is how are you going to spray do you have some kind of electrical device with a hose or one of those small bottles we use to spray the plants?

We have a small pump set to spray water, should I make a perforated nozzle and fit it with the spray hose with this garlic solution? Will it work?

should work let the solution sit over night for max results and strain so that there are no solid particles to clog the nozzle.
also cooking to get the maximum garlic out is also a good idea which you can try

some places also sell that ready to use garlic paste if u do not get the garlic that can be tried too though not sure if it has any chemical or preservatives

The idea is to reclaim your territory by introducing smells, sounds or anything else that makes them a bit uncomfortable and nudges them to leave.
So going forward it is finding the thing which works 4 u via trial and error

Start by taking photographs or identifying spots where they sit and r there some entry exit points to locate the spot Though I did not make any videos at that time

I found a similar video of this guy and he used it for pests and not monkeys and he even boiled the garlic maybe it increased the aroma in the water

4> Whatever the method idea is to get the max aroma into the liquid
For spraying I used my vaccum cleaner blower which has a spray bottle to be connected to the blower side

Good idea, but I don't have any such device. But I would try.