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RE: Jongo's Crypto Rants Of The Week

in LeoFinance2 years ago

I mean I get it, I'm a raving fan boy of Hive. But I won't stick up my nose at a crypto project that looks promising just because I don't have 'stacks' in it...

I've dove pretty deep into many projects (I am a software engineer and blockchain intrigues me.) Hive is worthy of being a raving fan boy. It is simply put, THE best solution that exists right now. There are some other good projects, but for the most part they're even less known or raved about than Hive. Almost every major crypto coin that exists is pumped by know nothing investor types. If it is trading high it MUST be the best!

So the difference between them being BTC (or whatever other flavor of the day useless coin) fanboys and you loving Hive is their infatuation is based on superficial in the moment nonsense, like popularity. Yours is based on something real because you see it being used every day.

We just have to hope that real world utility wins out in the end.


Thanks for the comments and great points. It is backed for me at least, by every day use case.

It's not perfect but wow, compared to what else is out there, Hive just shines!