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RE: Closing Gateways - PayPal, Thailand & Ecommerce Payment Reform

Probably for a variety of reasons, the main one likely being that it's not too much of an issue unless it affects you directly and generally the first ones affected are the little/poor people. When you've spent your life around the ones it affects and being the ones it affects, it's hard to miss the glaring signs. For those who've always been comfortable, they have no reason to believe it won't stay that way.


Yes, of course. I see it in our very own valley. Those that work the hardest and still get minimal (and less than) wage truly do live hand to mouth. They come to us for assistance all the time. I get so angry that those that SHOULD be helping them (their own employers) don't. They in turn, see no reason why their comfortable lives won't just continue that way

So right, @buckaroobaby! But to BE that empowering employer is far more complex than it looks - have a look at my blog about covid childcare for a glaring example. 😆 And yes, being surrounded by people who don't make a living wage is a gamechanger and one heck of a mirror!!