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RE: Going to the moon can also mean getting your wings burnt....what then, Icarus?

When it boils down to it, crypto is just a digital fiat on a blockchain. I don't think they'll abolish it, because it seems blockchain is the latest step in digital recording. It's not as easy to wipe out multiple backups, I guess.

That said, I can pretty much guarantee it won't be left uncontrolled. Whether they do it in a way that leaves us believing we still have some freedom with it or whether it's as obvious as dictatorships remains to be seen.

Having the ability to earn using crypto online is to their benefit, because it's another income source. At some point it will be spent on real world applications and that's where their cut can come in, just like with taxes on fiat.

Exchanges already have to comply with registering you and reporting any transactions to your tax office, so I'd say the controls are already slotting into place.


Abolishing it isn't necessary if they control it.
And they will try to control it (if they don't already).

There too many scared people to stand up and say 'no', the pussies.
Covid could well have have been a test run to see the 'fear and compliance' levels.

If half the world will voluntarily suffocate themselves, imprison themselves, and have god knows what shoved into their veins , just because the authorities said so - banning any crypto that the establishment don't want , will be a breeze!