I got my wavesmith in GOLD, finally

in LeoFinance3 years ago


Date 23/09/2021

From my last post, I played the wavesmith a lot and discover the huge value of it and I finally decide to get one for myself.
I paid as reported $15.5/2685 DEC (DEC=$0.00577). With 3% rebates from @monstermarket, my final payment is 2605 DEC. Seller received 2550 for what @steemmonsters charged a 5% fees.

It sounds great for the card used frequently. In case you don't know, a gold foil card can increased my DEC gains for 10% in each WIN. I also pay for the discount from last week, ++it's around 50% OFF++, can you imagine that?





For a future investment perspective, at a conservative level, we can compare it with ++Serpentine Mystic++. At a current price of $68 each, plus some discount like 20%. Venari can have a expected gain of at least 251% ($6880%/$15.5)* when it completely being minted.

Announcing 21 New Reward Cards



Nevertheless, during the ++hodling++ time, we can rent out the card for another +100% gains in average. It even sounds better than we can imagine.


To summarize, for a 50% discount, 250% expected gains, 100% rental profit. There is a 400% expected returns conservatively.

But we also consider the risks like:

  1. Splinterlands stopped for playing
  2. Crypto's value is gone
  3. Splinterlands lost its value

Final thoughts and the most important one among is:
++What is Splinterlands mean to you?++ For me, it is fun and will last forever.

p.s. I missed the chances(I sold all the cards) for last year and I won't miss this again.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta